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San Diego ARCS Scholar Comment

"While graduate students usually strain to make ends meet, the ARCS funding has significantly reduced this burden during the past year. More importantly, the award provides a source of inspiration in the knowledge that there are people who value, to the point of action, the research and teaching in which graduate students are engaged."

San Diego ARCS Scholar Comment

"Nowhere else in my graduate career has anyone taken the time and energy to pat me on the back and appreciate my efforts to improve the world through my scientific efforts as ARCS has done for me."

San Diego ARCS Scholar Comment

"Through my long (and sometime circuitous) educational path of earning my Ph.D. and now my M.D., I have heard of many scholarship programs, but none so generous as yours..... Receiving this award provides me with a huge external affirmation that lets me know my hard work is recognized..... Just taking a few moments to talk with several other Scholars about their work, I was amazed by the breadth of scientific studies that your foundation supports. It is clear that many of these research projects will have a direct impact on the health of individuals, our quality of life, and on the well-being of our planet. I commend your group for its vision and its mission."