ARCS Light Award Recipients

Each year the ARCS Light award is given to a member of each ARCS Foundation chapter who has displayed commitment and long-term service at the chapter level. The recipients are honored for serving in board/leadership positions, establishing Scholar funds and collaborating with university partners, chairing special events and recruiting new members, and providing expertise in chapter operations.


2024-2025 San Diego ARCS Light Recipient:
Ingrid Benirschke-Perkins


Ingrid Benirschke-Perkins joined the ARCS San Diego Chapter in 2017 and served as Director of Field trips from 2018-2020.  Then in 2021, she joined the board as Vice President of Marketing & Communications and immediately began work on raising awareness of our chapter’s activities through social media, our website, the Insider newsletter, and local media. In 2024, Ingrid chaired the 2024 Scientist of the Year Celebration and also introduced our 2024 SOY Dr. Terry Sejnowski at the event.

Ingrid’s true passion is centered on our Scholars and Scholar Alumni, and she enjoys sharing news of their achievements with ARCS members whenever and wherever possible.  During COVID, Ingrid created a massive directory of our Scholar Alumni, making us the envy of every chapter in the country.  She was invited to serve on the national task force to “seek and find” Scholar Alumni across the country, and she has done a wonderful job!

Ingrid possesses a wealth of qualities that make her a huge success as an ARCS colleague, mentor and leader.  She is a tireless and joyful advocate for ARCS.  She is an exemplar of the best in communication, which improves all that we do.  Ingrid is irreplaceable, a joy to work with, and certainly deserves this honor.  

Congratulations, Ingrid!

Honorees - San Diego Chapter

2024-25 Ingrid Benirschke-Perkins

2023-24 Kimberly Miller

2022-23 Holly Heaton

2021-22 Dr. Ellen G. Moxham

2020-21 June Chocheles

2019-20 Helga Moore

2018-19 Peggy Hanley

2017-18 Doris Ellsworth

2016-17 Bobbie Vandervoort

2015-16 Mary Lou Quick

2014-15 Robin Luby

2013-14 Candace Kohl

2012-13 Mary Fitz

2011-12 Diane Chalmers

2010-11 Bea Hadinger

2009-10 Jeanette Foushee

2008-09 Patricia Stewart

2007-08 Jerrie Schmidt

2006-07 Joan Evangelou

2005-06 Marti Panarisi

2004-05 Nancy Bildsoe

2003-04 Connie Adelman

2002-03 Pattie Wellborn

2001-02 Peggy Elliott

2000-01 Karon Luce

1999-00 Mary Jane Bennett

1998-99 Lois Thompson

1997-98 Pat Beck

1996-97 Betty Simm

1995-96 Toni Nickell

1994-95 Karen Bowden

1993-94 Barbara McColl

1992-93 Becki Etess

1991-92 Betty Brayshay

1990-91 Kay Redmond

1989-90 Dottie Georgens

1988-89 Lois Roon

1987-88 Yvonne Larsen

1986-87 Betty Jo Williams

1985-86 Gayle Wilson