ARCS San Diego 2023-2024 Donor Honor Roll

Gifts received for awards to be made in the 2024-2025 academic year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)


Reuben H. Fleet Foundation


Beyster Family Foundation

Hervey Family Fund

University of California, San Diego


Donald C. and Elizabeth M. Dickinson Foundation

$20,000 - $29,999

Toby Eisenberg

Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation


San Diego State University

$10,000 - $19,999

Sharon Arbelaez

Karen Bowden

Dorothy Georgens

Danielle James

Lambert Foundation for Education

The Legler Benbough Foundation

Robin Luby

Laura Mateo

Neurocrine Biosciences

Scripps Research

Elizabeth Taft

$7,500 - $9,999

Kenneth and Marjorie Blanchard

$5,000 - $7,499

Paul Bechtner Foundation

Ingrid Benirschke-Perkins

Elwyn Heller Foundation of San Diego

Laurie Roeder 

Cleo and Paul Schimmel

University of San Diego 

Mara Ybarrondo

$2,500 - $4,999


Helga Moore

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

$1,000 - $2,499

Kathe Albrecht

Cathie Atkins

Kristin Boyd

Leslie Bruce


Martha and Edward Dennis

Barbara Doren

Doris Ellsworth

Cindy Goodman

Holly Heaton

James Hughes Foundation

Lozano-Fellek Fund

Paulette Roberts

Janet Roemer

Tanya Schierling

Ann Siemens

Barbara Starkey

Britt Zeller

$500 - $999

Barbara Arledge

Susan Booth

June Chocheles

Ann Parode Dynes

Becki Etess

Karen Fontana

Marty and Lynn Glick

Ann Hill

Susan Johnson

Alexis Lasheras

Catherina Madani

Mary Ann McCauley

Marti and Frank Panarisi

Lisa Perich

Carolyn Sharp

Tamia Strachan

UP TO $499

Nancy Anderson

Katherine Armagnac

Carrie Ashby

Nancy Bildsoe

Alice Brown

Barbara Bry

Rachel Collins

Andrea Correnti

Kelsey Dale

Suzanne Dixon

Kimberly Doren

Margaret Dudas

Caroline Etland

Jillian Gaskins

Peggy Hanley

Michael and Ottilie Haver

Robert and Suzanne Hollingsworth

Sue Hylton

Meredith Johnston

Sue Kalish

Megan Kates

Joy Kirsch

Candace Kohl

Sharon Lerner

Jayne Lindberg

Karen Ludwig

Deborah Mandabach

Andrew McGavin

Kimberly Miller

Ellen Moxham

Priscilla Moxley

Mary Lou Quick

Tony and Jennifer Rodriguez

Nancy Rudolph

Janice Shaw

Marla Shepard

Gwynn Thomas

Barbara Vandervoort

Patricia Wellborn

Pam Werner

Winiarski Family

Cynthia Wollaeger

Carol Young


The amounts above indicate donations to the ARCS Foundation Scholar Awards Fund, Endowment Fund and Memorial Funds.


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